Thursday, November 5, 2009

Was that Adulthood Just Now?

Okay, so, let's count this as my first official blog, world.

It's now been just about six months since graudation. I wish you could see the bruises on my face from over there. Grown up life has hit me hard. Hard and fast. Like a wide-eyed doe on a country road enamored by a beautiful white light; I couldn't help but welcome the lure of adulthood with an open heart. But then reality struck as I was mowed down by a Ford Truck.

I guess it's not that bad, really. I have somewhat of a job, and I actually really do enjoy it. I also have a wonderful husband and I'm so glad I don't have to navigate this new life transition alone (though in some ways, it does make it more difficult).

However, this "job" (it's actually a paid volunteer position) ends next August, my husband graduates in May (crosses fingers), Chase wants their money, and I don't know how to buy car insurance (or life insurance...or medical insurance). I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I'm guessing the trick is to tackle one thing at a time, right? But how do you chose which task to tackle first? I think I'll just pull tasks out of a hat.

As of right now, though, I'm managing to keep all of my parts intact while being dragged down the road by that Ford Truck. My husband and I are growing in our love everyday, I know I'm eating well because I can't fit any of my skirts, we have cable, the lights are still on, and I can afford to wash the clothes that I can still fit. My future is uncertain, but life is good at this moment. I'm thankful for that.

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